A PHONE FOR YOUR HOME BUSINESS FOR ONLY $5 A MONTH If you are running a business from home, or even a limited business activity like multi-level sales, but are not ready for a separate business telephone line, there is a service now available from most telephone companies that can make your life much easier, as well as save you money. The generic term is distinctive number ringing, and the different local telephone companies have different trademarks for it -- IdentaRing, IndentaCall, Distinct-A-Ring, etc. What the service does is give you two (and with some phone companies even three) separate telephone numbers, but still only one telephone line. The second number rings with a distinct tone -- usually two short rings. (If you have a third number it has still another tone -- usually a long-short mixture.) Since no extra wiring to your home is needed, the cost is very low -- around $5 per additional number in most areas. Many families are using these to set up a separate children's number -- two rings tells the children to answer it and the adults can avoid interruptions to take kids' calls. In turn a business caller doesn't deal with a kid answering, and gets a professional response instead of a small child saying he'll go get Mommy. Many entrepreneurs are finding the service useful for business. They give out the distinctive number for business use, and answer it either with a business name or at least with a more professional response than "hello" or "yeah." You might find this an inexpensive solution to your business phone needs. Also it is possible to buy mechanical devices which detect the different ring patterns, so that the business line goes to the answering machine if you're out, and the fax number is routed to the fax machine. But do keep in mind that you still have only one line, so any telephone activity will block all numbers.